Saturday, March 6, 2021

-Art by: Vicky Fang

Hi Friends, 

Woo-hoo! This is my first official blog post! So glad you're here. I've got so much to share! Make sure you hit the "Follow" button if you're already on blogger or type in your email to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a thing! We'll talk books, share our favorite stories, and give reading tips. So stay tuned. 

I've entered a contest! I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate, Bonding By Reading the blog,  than by sharing with you my precious words. Told from the point of view of a child. 
Below is my entry to Vivian Kirkfield's  #50PreciousWords2021 contest. 
She challenges writers to come up with a story appropriate for children containing only 50 words or less. You can head over to her website and check out the other entries too! They are fun to read and so encouraging for the other writers when someone comments.  To see mine on her site, scroll, scroll, scroll, and scroll some more until you get to #656 out of close to 700 submissions! Hope you like it. The prizes are from judges, editors, and industry pros. Pretty cool huh?! So fun! Vivian offers this contest every year, so get your 50 words ready for the next one. Until next post...

Happy Reading!

We Love Reading Stories (50 Words) 
By: Mimi Bond 

Let's go, let's go read a story. 

I'll choose two, 

no three!

You read first 

then me! 

I like the way you change your voice with every word you say. 

I like to turn the page so much and emulate your way. 

We laugh. 

We cry. 

We love reading stories.


  1. This captures the reading process perfectly. So sweet. Good luck!

  2. I love that you are all about bonding with young children through reading. My first book which I self-published, is a guide for parents and teachers and it gives 100 picture book suggestions plus a craft project and a cooking activity for each. I wrote it before I ever imagined I would write my own picture books! If you'd like a copy of that Show Me How book, just let me know, Mimi.
    And I love your #50PreciousWords...nicely done!!
    And...I'm so thrilled that you have a blog now and the contest is your first post! Congratulations!!!

    1. Hi Vivian! Such a wonderful surprise to hear from you! Of course I'd love a copy of your book. Thanks for this generous offer. My kids and I love an opportunity to get off screens and do an activity that fosters bonding. Your contest is so nice. Everyone's entry is so unique. Thank you again for helping birth this blog.

  3. Mimi - this piece is so sweet! You capture the magic of reading together perfectly!

  4. Replies
    1. Deb so glad to see you here. Thank you critique partner!

  5. Best wishes on your blogging and writing journey. 😄
